New updates coming soon for 2023 2024!

Greetings everyone and welcome back to the school year 2023 2024!

We have so much to look forward this year and the weeks are flying by already.

Settling back in is almost a thing of the past and we are moving quickly into much loved events such as Maths Week, Freaky Friday, Jersey Day, Science Week and so much more.

We are waiting anxiously for the new arrival of our Modular build so I will use this blog space to document the progress with photographs…..It will literally be a case of watch this space!

As always, if you have any concerns or ideas (we love new ideas!) that you wish to share don’t hesitate to contact us!

I hope to be back soon with a site update! Some things are worth waiting for!

Ms. Walsh

And on the 10th October 2023, our journey towards our first modular build begins.

There was great excitement from both staff and children as fencing was moved into place! The children cannot wait to see what vehicle/machinery/ materials arrive. It is going to be an exciting few weeks and I plan to document it with photographs on this page!

In typical Irish autumn weather, the work was rained off for 11th October. But ABM were at it bright and early on the 12th of October and much to the delight of the children (and staff) some big machinery moved in. ABM were not letting the grass grow under their feet, in fact in jig time they were digging it up!

Friday 13th started off with more rain. Ms. Walsh was following up on the safety checks too given the superstitions associated with the date! But the rain cleared up and progress continued with the arrival of the cement mixer and the plan to pour some foundations! A great few days of progress has taken place after a long wait. The children are thoroughly enjoying seeing the next part of our school grow before their very own eyes. Dare I say, I think we may have some budding builders, engineers, digger drivers and architects in the mix! Rumour has it the BIG CRANES are due to land in the coming week ….watch this space!

Within a week, the work was literally groundbreaking and on Thursday 19th October this happened…..